Kotara School

Courage to learn – Courage to change

Telephone02 4957 3274


Placement at Kotara School

Kotara School provides intensive behavioural, emotional and educational support for students who have been confirmed by the NSW Department of Education and Communities as having mental health problems/disorders or special consideration sign off for emotional disturbance placement or who have exhausted all other regional behaviour support provisions, and/or for whom a risk assessment indicates a special placement is required.

We provide a range of specialist programs for students in Years 3-6 with the aim of the students transitioning back to their mainstream school on a full-time basis. Generally, students can be placed in the school for a maximum of four school terms.

Kotara School aims to address the needs of students with mental health problems and/or disorders by building a culture of support, including attitudes and beliefs that encourage positive relationships, student empowerment and resilience.

Students are not enrolled at Kotara School. Students are referred to their learning support team to assess what level of support is required. If this support is not able to cater to the needs of the student they are then referred to the district placement panel for consideration of a place in a specialised setting. A place at Kotara School is subject to negotiation using regional placement protocols. If successful, the place is offered to the parents/carers and is subject to their acceptance.

Students attending Kotara School will have an individual education and behaviour support plan and in collaboration with the home school’s learning support team update risk and behaviour management plans for their setting.

The principal of the school who has referred the student will support Kotara School by ensuring that the school’s learning support team is actively involved in the appraisal, review, and development of programs that support the transition of the student into and out of Kotara School.